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How-To Tuesday — Postponed

So. It has come to this.

So, it has come to this

It feels like a huge deal, but I suppose it’s not really.

I have this week’s How-To Tuesday all typed up and ready to go. All it’s missing is pictures. I almost published it.


I couldn’t do it. I felt like I was forcing something that wasn’t ready yet. There are just too many little quirks I need to work out before I can feel comfortable sending you off on your merry way with it. There are already so many pattern designers (I won’t mention any names, but if you’ve ever attempted to work one of their patterns, I don’t HAVE to) who care more about cranking out the next design than about whether the pattern is actually workable. I don’t want to be known for that.


I was going to work up a quickie/easy headband pattern so I would have SOMETHING for you all.


Do you see a theme emerging (haha)?

If you’ve been following on Facebook, you know we’ve had illness descend upon our household. It’s no big deal when it’s me, or my husband, or even my oldest daughter, but the past couple of days Lilly has been the sick one and she is still little.

Little + Sick = Mom gets NO time to herself to do anything.


I’m working on several things and will hopefully get something posted this week. Maybe even a couple! I do have some orders to fill, so I’m also trying to get those finished in between.

Oh! And I get to go have a fun photo shoot with my awesome (and pretty adorable) bff tomorrow, so I’ll post some of those pictures too 🙂

Happy Tuesday!